stormusic (AI)

Stormusic is a shinrin yoku (森林浴) generative audiovisual experience.
It was born as an installation proposal for the sónar+d festival at Barcelona.
The installation takes us to a dystopia where cities have swallowed the environment and the only way we are able to experience nature is through technology.
Video: landscapes images are generated by Generative Adversarial
Network (StyleGAN2)
Audio: generative

speech2Room (AI)

Speech2Room is an art installation proposal, it explores the relationship between color and emotion.
Speech2Room recognizes the emotions in the voice of the audience and then adapts the room illumination depending on their mood.
Database: RAVDESS

brújula de astros

Electronic prototype device built with Raspberry Pi.
A board full of leds that shows the current position of the solar system planets, moon and sun over the different zodiac constellations using ASTROPY api.


Tool to explore and study the use of color.
color_pallete was used in a study of 90’s anime.

More projects in developing stage ...